Customer projects

Sales Portal


One of the biggest Czech insurance companies


Sales support portal is used daily by thousands of users and serves as a main source of information for insurance agents. It's running since 2009, and beside standard SharePoint functionality, this portal is full of custom server code, user controls, event listeners and Javascript applets communicating with different systems.


In the begining, our responsibility primarily focused on the transformation of master pages, controls, and existing Javascript applets to new design and corporate image, which was part of migration of the portal from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2016.

Later we have enhanced users' experience with custom Javascript applets and applications running outside of SharePoint but being displayed in the portal.

Technologies used

  • C#/.NET, ASP.NET
  • Sharepoint 2013/16
    • Server Side development
  • Microsoft SQL Database as a backend data storage
  • Small User Controls interacting with end users
    • CSOM/REST API development
    • Written in VueJS and
  • Maintenance application written in WPF and with DevExpress components

Documents repository


One of the biggest Czech insurance companies


DocumentHub is a documents catalog where documents can be assigned to multiple categories and scopes. Each document can have specific access list based on membership of end user in Active Directory groups, or they can be assigned manually to specific people.

There are thousands of documents stored in DocumentHub, and they are accessed daily by thousands of end users. List of all documents is fetched in one go and later rendered with applet in SharePoint Sales portal, for maximal user experience.


Analysis, design and implementation of the whole solution.

Technologies used

  • C#/.NET Core, ASP.NET Core
  • PostgreSQL as a backend data storage
  • ElasticSearch as a fast backend data index with fulltext capabilities
  • FSCrawler as a document extractor for ElasticSearch
  • Vue as framework for SPA Administration
  • Svelte (small widgets for SharePoint pages)
  • SyncFusion components library for SPA Administration
  • ActiveDirectory synchronization for cached permission checks and object lookups

Signature collection tool


One of the biggest Czech insurance companies


Campaigns are a tool for employee signature collection for different kinds of legal requirements, as well as a tool for quick and simple notification of legal documents changes, product updates and so on.

It has a centralized administration where administrators define collection campaigns, isolated Javascript applet displaying (modal) dialog that can be added to any corporate website.

It has become one of the most used applications in the company, saving months of manual labour and communication.


Vision, analysis, design and implementation of the whole solution.

Technologies used

  • C#/.NET Core, ASP.NET Core as a backend framework
  • PostgreSQL as a backend data storage
  • Vue as framework for SPA Administration, soon to be rewritten to Svelte.Dev (svelte-adminlte)
  • (small widget for target sites)
  • Bulma CSS library (administration & frontend widgets)

Video portal


One of the biggest Czech insurance companies


Simple video store for training and marketing videos, used by hundreds of employees. After upload, the system automatically converts videos to preset sizes with ffmpeg. It's no YouTube by any means, but it's used daily without any issues for years now.


Vision, analysis, design and implementation of the whole solution.

Technologies used

  • Elixir/Phoenix as a backend framework
  • as framework for SPA Administration
  • ffmpeg for video conversion

Microsoft Brand Designer


One of the top 3 biggest logistic companies in the world, with cooperation with Microsoft


Simple application that allows the PR/Marketing teams update visual style of, as well as define what parts are visible and which are not, and update text for each of supported languages.

Basic features of this application are covered by standard screens in Azure Active Directory portal, but our application goes beyond the basic use.

It's intended to be used in test/prod environment setup, it has ability to transfer settings from test to prod environment, from one language to another.


Vision, analysis, design and implementation of the whole solution.

Technologies used

  • as framework for SPA Administration
  • ASP.NET Core for data transfer functionality
  • Microsoft Graph API for brand settings updates

Newcomers initialization portal


One of the top 3 biggest logistic companies in the world


Start is the very first portal newcomers visit after when they start with the company. It's a portal that first started as a replacement for Microsoft's cumbersome "Password reset" and "Setup multifactory authentication" screens, but that has later overgrown its original intent and became a replacement for internal complicated process of password resets through helpdesk tickets.

It's based on an idea of community support, when certain, trusted, employees have a right to reset password for other users in their scope of responsibility, for example, a team leader of a sorting line can reset password for his workers, and they can also update their MFA phone settings to help them in cases of lost/changed phone number.

This project significantly simplifies lifes of frontline workers and their managers.

Whole solution is build with very low maintenance technologies, and that helps to reduce maintenance fees to bare minimum.


Formulating vision, analysis, design and implementation of the whole solution.

Technologies used

  • Elixir, Phoenix as a backend framework
  • ASP.NET Core as a backend framework for Active Directory connector service
  • PostgreSQL as a backend data storage
  • Redis as a session store
  • as framework for SPA Administration, and frontend Javascript applets
  • AdminLTE HTML/CSS framework
  • Bootstrap library (used within AdminLTE)
  • Bulma (for frontend widgets)
  • Microsoft GraphAPI as a connector to Azure Active Directory (Entra)

Location & address management tool


One of the top 3 biggest logistic companies in the world


Location factory is address registry collecting, validating, normalizing and grouping addresses from multiple systems to one globally known and verified address.

Location factory uses multiple address providers to do the validation, but it also allows to do manual validations and manual assigments to global addresses.

Source systems can then just reference these global addresses with global address code, or/and use Location Factory as address registry for all future needs.


Formulating vision, analysis, design and implementation of a big portion of the solution.

Technologies used

  • Elixir, Phoenix as a backend framework
  • ASP.NET Core as a backend framework for Excel exports
  • PostgreSQL as a backend data storage, with PostGIS extension
  • Redis as a session store
  • as framework for SPA Administration, and frontend Javascript applets
  • AdminLTE HTML/CSS framework
  • Bootstrap library (used within AdminLTE)
  • Bulma CSS (for frontend widgets)
  • Microsoft GraphAPI as a connector to Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Entra)
  • OpenStreetMap + Leaflet
  • Nominatim, Melissa



One of the top 3 biggest logistic companies in the world


This proof-of-concept application was meant to test OpenAI ChatGPT capabilities in answering questions of end users based on parsed documents loaded into a vector database.

It was based on the idea of having catalogues of documents, parsed and indexed in vector database, so later specific chatbots could be placed at SharePoint sites, diffent HR systems and so on.


Formulating vision, analysis, design and implementation of the solution.

Technologies used

  • ChatGPT API as a chat provider
  • PostgreSQL as a backend data storage with pg_vector extension
  • SBert as an embeddings generator
  • LangChain as a chat framework
  • Python
  • C#/.NET Core/ASP.NET Core as a backend framework
  • as framework for SPA Administration
  • AdminLTE HTML/CSS framework

Custom Avaya client


One of the top 3 biggest logistic companies in the world


Avaya is one of the biggest help desk solutions, their Windows client was slow, and insufficient, and so our customer decided to go with build of their own Windows client. After tens of thousands of WPF code, dozens of sleepless nights and litres of sweat and blood, they now have a tool that is like from a different galaxy.


Deep analyze of how Avaya client works, development of a better one

Technologies used

  • Avaya CCAD client
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)



Small website for our restaurant, with image conversion with ImageMagick library and complete menu management.


Technologies used

  • Elixir/Phoenix
  • Vue (administration SPA)
  • AdminLTE HTML/CSS framework
  • ImageMagick

Key aspects

  • Image galleries
  • Image preprocessing
  • Small CMS capabilities